Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 12: 1-4 TOPIC: SAMUEL, A TESTED AND TRUSTED LEADER: A MODEL FOR THE CONTEMPORARY PREACHERS. Introduction Opening Statement: Many desire one leadership position or the other. Little do they know that there is no attainable position without its taskful demands? Our Country is blessed. Nigeria has no problem except that of leadership. Our homes, churches and society at large are in dare need of tested and trusted leaders. Leaders who are dependable and reliable; men and women who are and will be truthful to their purpose, commission and God. This message is not in any way the totality of the life of Prophet Samuel. But I have chosen some few things that I think may be of importance to us as leaders in training. Prophet Samuel was one of the ancient leaders. He was a judge, the very last one. In his time Israel experienced a transition from a theocracy system into a monarchy system of leadership. It can also be said of Prophet Samuel that he recognized, he was not only a prophet unto a few people but a mouthpiece for God for the entire community of the children of Israel. May I say here that, once the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable. The very factor responsible for the failures of several individuals in their leadership task is simply ignorance. As a matter of importance, being a leader is not same as being wretched. Leadership is not being gormless. In humble opinion, leadership is being completely objective and humble. A. Samuel’s Parenting and Mentoring I Samuel 1:21-27; 2: 18-19 Samuel’s parents were God fearing. They were devoted to God’s worship and made it an annual event to go to Shiloh (1 Samuel 1:3). The training he received made him have; i) a sense of feeling of worth, ii) an undoubted knowledge of parental love, and iii) a sense of purpose. The above I believe formed strong bedrock for his personality in life and ministry. The crop of new preachers that are today do not have these fundamental foundation reason they around trying to prove who they are instead of living it. It is no wonder that some leaders are actually unbaked, not qualified to lead. They loath training and discipline. A leader not disciplined will result into a destitute, such you see cast off restrain. Though Samuel was anointed and his ministry affirmed by God he endured training (1 Samuel 3: 20). Many leaders complain of bad followers, the problem when properly examined is a result of rebellious life they lived. Bishop T.V. Adelakun was said, “Reason your church members are stubborn is because you are a goat”. Where a goat leads sheep it would be a misplaced order of life! Samuel kept his head low and learned. But there must be caution about who you follow because “who you follow determines what follows you”. Every great leader known to you and I has someone who they follow. Would you submit yourself today through the leading of the Holy Spirit for someone help grow well and be well footed for mentoring is as importance as parenting and Samuel got these. B. His Determination 1 Samuel 2: 22-26 Although put in an unfriendly environment yet he survived. The secret was simply determination. There was every possibility that Samuel could live after the two sons of Prophet Eli. This is because children learn by imitation. Growing among the sons of Eli might have been serious ‘thorn in his flesh’. Eli’s sons followed after the practices of the false religion around them. They commit so much immorality that the people rejected them from being leaders over them. In spite of the prevailing vices he witnessed yet he resolved not to partake of such things. Numbers of preachers are daily missing their track in respect to wrong association. It is a command from God to love people but can I say to you to make friend is a choice. So be careful who you associate with. Company is contagious (1 Cor. 15:33). Irrespective of the rich investment upon your life once you are yoked with the wrong set of people you may end up a casualty (2 Cor.6: 14-16). C. His Ministry 1Samuel 12: 1-4 Prophet Samuel’s personal and spiritual growth indicated he has been marked as future prophet for the LORD. He stood for righteousness against immorality. Samuel was known to be reliable, and everyone trusted his ministry. His contribution was second to none. His ministry was characterized with the following; 1. Trustworthy- 2. Consistent- 3. Humility- 4. Dedication- 5. Godly- 6. Contentment- 7. Courageous- The mentioned formed his integrity in life and ministry which helped him escaped some leadership pitfalls such as cheating, disobedience (1 Sam.15: 10, 23), impatient (1Sam. 13: 9-12), arrogance (1Sam. 15:23). Minus integrity from any life and ministry all that will be left is misery! Understand that ministry is not about you but all about God. Conclusion One of the reasons for poor leadership system in Nigeria almost in every sector is the fact that most preachers who are expected to lead an exemplary life are themselves not people of sound and dependable character. Every preacher is a potential leader; same should know that leadership is stewardship, and stewardship is not about the office but who you are (1 Cor. 4:1-2). To become a model in Life and Ministry in a perversed setting you need integrity. I therefore challenge you this day to guide your loins for the assignment ahead of you is great, oh, man of God.

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